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Illegal Alien Information


The Plan

Proud American Plan B

Take Action NOW

Facts On Illegal Mexicans

Proud American Budget

* Did you know that over 600,000 anchor babies are born to ILLEGAL ALIENS every year. That's 50,000 per month or 11,538.5 per week.

* There are 428,718 illegal aliens in our prison system. Each one costing thousands of dollars in up keep.

* California alone spends over $1 billion ($1,000,000,000.00) per year to jail criminal illegal aliens.

* There are over 749,604 criminal illegal aliens in the USA that are wanted by the police.

* 80% of deportation orders are never executed.

We have a plan to help not only Arizona but our entire nation. But we need your help to make it happen. You know the Politicians are not going to help. If this problem is to be solved we have to do it ourselves. One illegal at a time and one dollar at a time. Please send in your donation now. Click on the Donate button below and make your voice heard!

mother & child